10-Day Galápagos Islands Hopping Tour from Quito: Reina Silvia Voyager Cruise + Diving | Small Group Tour

Product Code: 25420



    Aboard the Reina Silvia Voyager to cruise the Galapolos Islands: Española Island, San Cristobal, Santa Fe, South Plaza, Genovesa, Santiago and Baltra
    9 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners included
    See giant tortoises at the Charles Darwin Research Station
    Go snorkelling in Santa Fé
    Spot sea lion colonies at Cerro Dragon
    • Stroll on the white coral sand beaches of Darwin Bay
    • Hike to a saltwater lagoon on Rábida
    • Kayak alongside incredible marine life
Tour Code
10 day
Departure City
End City


Group Size: Small group tour

Take an intimate and semi-private trip with a small group

Activity Level: Moderate

Designed for travelers in good health who are comfortable with light walking or hiking


Day 01


Hotel: Hotel Hilton Colon or similar

Meal: B:Excluded L:Excluded D:Excluded

Arrive at any time. Arrival transfer included.

There are no planned activities, so check into the hotel and enjoy the city. A representative will greet you at the hotel and brief the group on the various aspects of the tour.

【Arrival Day and Welcome Meeting with G Representative】

The adventure begins today. Feel free to explore, but make sure you're back in time to meet the group. Your Representative will review the details of your tour.


  • B:Excluded
  • L:Excluded
  • D:Excluded
Day 02
Puerto Ayora

Quito - Puerto Ayora

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Transfer early to the airport for the flight to the Galápagos Islands. Upon arrival, meet the Naturalist Guide and cross to Santa Cruz islands to visit the highlands and the Charles Darwin Research Station before boarding the boat in the late afternoon from Puerto Ayora.

After arrival in Baltra, visit of the highlands of Santa Cruz Island for a special opportunity to view the islands' most famous reptile: the giant tortoises in their wild habitat. What a privilege to see an endangered species roving in this lush environment! The vegetation of the area includes the Scalesia Forest (an endemic giant daisy tree) and birds such as the vermilion flycatcher will delight everyone with its scarlet feathers against an emerald green forest. Look for Darwin's finches, particularly the famous Woodpecker Finch. We will then visit the Fausto Llerena Breeding Center and Charles Darwin Research Station to learn first hand of the conservation and research efforts in the islands. There, you'll see several subspecies of adult tortoises, lots of hatchlings, and learn of the repatriation programs that are saving several subspecies of tortoises and iguanas from extinction.

【Visit To The Highlands of Santa Cruz】

Head to Santa Cruz’s verdant highlands. This is a perfect place to hike through the grounds and see giant tortoises in their natural environment, before savouring an included lunch.

【Fausto Llerena Breeding Center & Charles Darwin Research Station Visit】

Visit Fausto Llerena Breeding Center a great place to observe many species of tortoises and land iguanas in captivity. Brought back from the brink of extinction, see the famous Galápagos tortoise up close – a corral houses adult tortoises, and a nursery cares for the young until around age three when their shells have hardened.

This area also houses the Charles Darwin Research Station, a scientific organization initiated in 1964, which works to preserve the Galápagos' ecosystem through the conservation efforts of scientists, researchers, and volunteers. While the offices themselves are not open to visitors, the research station provides a study location for international scientists and environmental education for the local community.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

Visiting Attractions

  • Santa Cruz Island Santa Cruz Island
  • Charles Darwin Research Station Charles Darwin Research Station


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 03

Española: Gardner Bay - Punta Suárez

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Enjoy the day on Española Island, one of the oldest in the archipelago. Visit the white sandy beach of Gardner Bay and the bird colonies of Punta Suárez. Take guided walks to observe wildlife and have free time for swimming or snorkelling.

Spend part of the day visiting spectacular Gardner Bay. Walk across a lovely white sand beach amongst a busy sea lion colony and nesting sea turtles (seasonal). Later, take some time exploring the Punta Suárez visitor site, on the north-western corner of the island. Here, birds are everywhere—underfoot, on the trail, overhead, diving into the sea, taking off from cliffs, sitting quietly, and if the timing is right, engaging in ritual mating dances or hatching eggs. As the panga driver guides us in through the surf to the landing, sea lions are often seen “hanging 10” on the waves. A great tangle of marine iguanas, stretched out in the sun on the beach, are usually present when we arrive.

【Gardner Bay Visit】

Visit Gardner Bay's magnificent white sandy beach and spectacular landscapes. This incredible place is home to sea lions, hood mockingbirds, Nazca boobies, waved albatross, red-billed tropic birds, lava lizards, Galapagos hawks, and blue-footed boobies. Be sure to explore the beautiful turquoise water and its incredible sea life.

【Snorkelling (Gardner Bay)】

Strap on your snorkel and if conditions allow, see an abundance of sea life including; young sea lions and large schools of surprisingly big tropical fish, including yellow-tailed surgeonfish, king angelfish, and bump-head parrot fish.

【Punta Suárez Visit】

Visit Punta Suárez, one of most rich wildlife landing sites in the Galápagos. Be greeted by surfing young sea lions on arrival. Head to the trail to find many species of nesting sea birds, and, if lucky, see the waved albatross. Follow the path up to a cliff for great views over the ocean, and watch sea birds gliding in the wind.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

Visiting Attractions

  • Espanola Island Espanola Island
  • Gardner Bay Gardner Bay


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 04

San Cristobal: Cerro Dragon - Punta Pitt

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Land at Punta Pitt in the morning for a walk to observe the wildlife and spectacular scenery here. In the afternoon continue on to Cerro Dragon on San Cristóbal to observe sea lions and enjoy the beach before travelling to the dramatic Kicker Rock to see the steep vertical stone walls rising from the ocean. The beauty makes for memorable sunset views.

Start the day walking along a trail on Punta Pitt that winds up through eroded volcanic tuff formations to a plateau where there's a spectacular view of the island, and Islote Pitt. Along the trail are endemic plants and wildlife unique to San Cristobal, such as the San Cristobal mockingbird and the San Cristobal lava lizard. All three boobies (blue-footed, red-footed and Nazca) are known to nest here, at Islote Pitt which is a small islet near the anchorage. Blue-footed boobies can often be seen plunge-diving for fish while frigate birds soar overhead.

In the afternoon, head to Cerro Dragon to visit the white sand beach there and observe Sea Lions. Finish the day, with a navigation around the spectacular Kicker Rock. This striking rock formation is located a couple hours off the western shore of San Cristobal. Jutting out of the water, the rocks stand vertically at hundreds of feet above the ocean divided by a small channel.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

【Punta Pitt Visit】

Enjoy amazing wildlife watching and interesting geological formations on this fascinating expedition. Arrive at a quiet cove on the eastern tip of San Cristóbal to explore Punta Pitt. Made up of volcanic tuff substrate, it's the only site in the Galápagos where it's possible to see three species of boobies and two species of frigatebirds.

【Cerro Dragon Wildlife】

Visit a white sandy beach on the island where it is possible to watch sea lions in their natural habitat.

Visiting Attractions

  • Kicker Rock Kicker Rock


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 05
Santa Fe

Santa Fe - South Plaza

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Visit Santa Fé island for a chance to mingle with the iguanas. Continue to South Plaza for some great bird watching opportunities and views from the oceanside cliffs.

Today, spend time visiting fascinating Santa Fé, home to a small population of very large land iguanas, and the largest of the Opuntia cacti. The lagoon is ideal for swimming and snorkeling; sea lions and colorful fish are in abundance here, as well as the occasional sea turtle. Later, visit South Plaza, a small, but very rewarding island to visit. Here you see an array of endemic land iguanas munching on Opuntia blossoms and leaves. On the upper edge, at the windward side, Swallow Tailed Gulls nest. Watch these beautiful birds maneuver in the tricky air currents as they set up to land on the cliff face. From the bluff you can see schools of Yellowtail Mullet, occasionally a shark, and lots of birds flying back and forth.

【Santa Fe Island Visit】

Visit Santa Fé for amazing wildlife watching opportunities. Hike towards the cliffs along the island's northern shore to view the forest of giant prickly pear cactus (Opuntia), which is home to endemic land iguanas. It is also one of the best locations to see sea turtles, sea lions, and maybe even get a glimpse of a whitetip reef shark from the panga.

【Snorkelling (Santa Fé)】

Enjoy some amazing snorkelling right off the beach in Santa Fé. Swim with playful sea lions, and search for sea turtles, rays, and reef sharks while getting great views of large schools of brightly coloured tropical fish.

【Kayaking (Santa Fe)】

Take to the crystal blue waters off Santa Fe island with a provided Kayak this morning. Get up close and personal with the areas rugged coastlines, and spot a huge variety of aquatic life in the shallow water below.

【South Plaza Island Visit】

Visit South Plaza, one of the smallest islands in the Galápagos, which has one of the largest populations of land iguanas. Walk along a path through a cactus forest and view a combination of dry and coastal vegetation on this lively island, home to a wide range of fauna, including incredible birdlife. Spot red-billed tropicbirds and indigenous swallow-tailed gulls resting on the cliffs, and sea lions playing in the waters.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

Visiting Attractions

  • Santa Fe Island Santa Fe Island
  • South Plaza Island South Plaza Island


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 06

Genovesa: Darwin Bay - El Barranco

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Visit Darwin Bay and marvel at the sheer number of birds along the many trails. Head to El Barranco in the afternoon to see the many types of boobies, including red-footed boobies.

In the morning, visit the white-sand coral beach of Darwin Bay which winds through mangroves filled with land and marine birds. See Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies and swallow-tailed gulls, and further down the path, observe tidal pools where sea lions swim playfully. In the afternoon, visit El Barranco (also known as Prince Phillip’s Steps), which is a steep, rocky path that leads up to a high cliff-face. If you’re lucky, catch a glimpse of red-footed boobies, short-eared owls, Nazca Boobies, storm petrels, Galapagos swallows, and Galapagos doves, as you enjoy the magnificent views.

【Darwin Bay Visit】

Walk along the white coral sands of Darwin Bay surrounded by bustling sea birds. Follow the trail and see nesting frigatebirds, gulls, and boobies. Be sure to bring your camera to take some snaps of your new feathered friends.

【Snorkelling (Darwin Bay)】

Visit this sunken caldera for a great snorkelling opportunity. See large schools of tropical fish swarming near the vertical walls, and, if lucky, see manta rays, white-spotted eagle rays, sea lions, and hammerhead sharks.

【Kayaking (Darwin Bay)】

Traverse along the white sand beaches of Darwin Bay, and explore the mangroves that surround the crystal waters.

【El Barranco Visit】

Visit "El Barranco" aka Prince Phillip's Steps located on the southern tip of the island for an amazing wildlife watching opportunity. Hike up the steps to see a sea bird colony that is full of life including the breeding grounds for red-footed boobies and masked boobies.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

Visiting Attractions

  • Genovesa Island Genovesa Island


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 07

Santiago - Bartolomé

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Visit Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island to witness the giant lava formations contrasting the white-coral-sand beach. Continue to Bartolomé for a guided walk to see the island's dramatic volcanic features and the iconic Pinnacle Rock.

The morning visit heads to Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island, located on the southeast part of the island. This place is interesting for its geology because the area has elevations in form of small volcanoes, formed by the lava flows. Later, head to Bartolomé Island, home of the famous Pinnacle Rock. This is an exceptional place to observe volcanic island geology and to snorkel. Among the many colorful species you will see Bi-color Parrotfish, Streamer Hogfish, and Flag Cabrilla. Sometimes you get a special treat—a penguin “snorkeling” right around you in hunt of fishy treats. The long climb up the wooden steps to the pinnacle of this cinder cone takes you through cinders and rough volcanic formations, a veritable moonscape. The lower slopes are graced with a light sprinkling of the delicate, silvery Taquilia, a ground hugging plant adapted to this harsh spot. On top you will enjoy the spectacular view of Bartolomé, Santiago, and several other nearby islands.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

【Sullivan Bay Visit】

Visit Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island to see one of its star natural attractions – striking and fascinating giant lava formations. Very few plants have managed to survive on this island due to its harsh environment and relatively new lava flow. Enjoy a walk along the lava formations before coming to a white-coral sand beach, where abundant Sally Lightfoot crabs and sea lions gather on shore.

【Snorkelling (Sullivan Bay)】

Enjoy a cool dip after exploring Sullivan Bay on foot. Grab a snorkel and discover many species of fish and other marine life in the shallow waters. Keep an eye out for turtles, rays, and large schools of colourful fish.

【Snorkelling (Bartolomé Island)】

Take the opportunity to swim and snorkel along the shore, home to one of the most iconic volcanic rock formations on the islands. Home to Galápagos penguins, friendly sea lions, sea turtles, and a huge variety of fish, Bartolomé and its surrounding waters are a fantastic place to explore the natural wonders of the Galápagos.

【Bartolomé Island Visit】

Hike to Bartolomé's summit for a stronger perspective of the islands' not-too-distant volcanic origins, and enjoy a panoramic view – it’s one of the best among the islands! See other Galápagos Islands in the distance as well as Pinnacle Rock, the island’s famous towering landmark.

Visiting Attractions

  • Bartolome Island Bartolome Island
  • Sullivan Bay Sullivan Bay


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 08

Rábida - Chinese Hat

Hotel: Reina Silvia Voyager (Main Deck Double) or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Included D:Included

Spend the morning exploring the red sand beaches and salt water lagoons of this tiny island. Look for wading flamingos and nesting pelicans before heading out to do some snorkelling. In the afternoon, discover the lava flows and lava tunnels on the small island of Chinese Hat. After, enjoy a refreshing dip in turquoise waters. Search for fish and sea turtles in the protected bay.

Rabida is a “small red island,” the colour of the volcanic cinders.The red beach is usually well populated with sea lions and pups. At times the low salt bushes are loaded with nesting California Brown Pelicans. Just behind the beach, in a brackish lagoon, see Bahamas White-cheeked Pintail Ducks, migratory shore and wading birds, and Greater Flamingos. Flamingos need the presence of a dozen or two other flamingos to stimulate their synchronous mating dance. If our timing is right, we will be able to observe this highly entertaining ritual as well as two species of boobies nest along the cliffs. Later, travel to Sombrero Chino, a tiny island just off the southeast tip of Santiago. Its name (Chinese Hat) describes the island’s shape. Though centrally located, it is one of the least visited sites in the area. Patches of pahoehoe lava, cracked lava and lava tubes can be found on the island. If you’re up for a walk, a path leads to some spectacular views of the waves crashing below. White-tipped sharks frequent the area, as do the playful Galapagos Penguins and sea lions.

【Rábida Island Visit】

Arrive at a red sand beach at Rábida to explore its trails. A short trail leads to a saltwater lagoon; another trail goes past the lagoon to the interior, where the revered palo santo trees grow. (When burned, the branches of this tree give off a pleasing aroma and ward off mosquitoes.)

【Snorkelling (Rábida Island)】

Grab a snorkel and discover many species of fish and other marine life. Keep an eye out for white-tip sharks and sea lions.

【Kayaking (Rabida)】

Explore the red sand coastlines of Rabida island, and keep an eye out for Sea Lion colonies sunning themselves on the beach.

【Chinese Hat Visit】

Explore Chinese Hat’s beautiful landscape and view many geological formations such as lava tubes and lava flows.

【Snorkelling (Chinese Hat)】

Snorkel right from the white-coral sand beach and come face to face with playful sea lions and large schools of tropical fish. Keep an eye out for marine iguanas and penguins.

【Reina Silvia Voyager】

The Reina Silvia Voyager is just as elevated as the name implies. This modern catamaran offers increased stability when cruising the waters of the Galápagos Islands. Enjoy the view from the spacious sun deck, Jacuzzi, or private balconies (available with most cabins).

【Kayaking (Chinese Hat)】

Get a closer look at Chinese Hat Island's many geological lava formations. Your kayak will give you access to many areas not visible from land, so take your time to marvel at these natural wonders.


  • B:Included
  • L:Included
  • D:Included
Day 09
Baltra Island

Baltra - Quito

Hotel: Hotel Hilton Colon or similar

Meal: B:Included L:Excluded D:Excluded

Disembark the boat at Baltra to transfer to the airport and catch the flight back to Quito. Upon arrival, transfer to the hotel and joy one final night on the town.


  • B:Included
  • L:Excluded
  • D:Excluded
Day 10


Meal: B:Included L:Excluded D:Excluded

Depart at any time.


  • B:Included
  • L:Excluded
  • D:Excluded
Please note that order of day-to-day itinerary is adjustable depending on tour start day.

Own Expenses

Day Activity Price Additional Information
D1 Quito City Tour and Equator $50.00-60.00/Person
D1 Cotopaxi Volcano - Full Day Trip $50.00-100.00/Person
D1 Teleférico $9.00/Person
  • All mandatory fees must be paid in cash to the tour guide and tickets cannot be pre-purchased separatedly.
  • Any optional activities you wish to join must be paid to your tour guide in cash.


Package Includes

    • 9-night accommodations
    • Cruise the Galápagos Islands aboard the Reina Silvia Voyager (7 nts)
    • All meals aboard the Reina Silvia Voyager
    • Certified Galápagos National Park Service Guide
    • Snorkelling at Gardner Bay, Sullivan Bay and Bartolomé
    • Possibility to snorkel or kayak at Santa Fé, Darwin Bay, Rábida and Chinese Hat
    • Hike to the Bartolomé Island viewpoint overlooking the famous Pinnacle Rock
    • Incredible wildlife encounters throughout
    • Highlands and wild tortoise excursion (Santa Cruz Island)
    • Visit to the Charles Darwin Research Station (Santa Cruz Island)
    • All landings and excursions
    • Onboard snorkelling equipment and wetsuits
    • Internal flights
    • All transport between destinations and to/from included activities
    • Group Leader: 1 expert CEO Naturalist Guide, 8 crew
    • 9 breakfasts, 7 lunches, 7 dinners (Allow USD120-160 for meals not included.)

Package Excludes

    • Airfares or related transportation between your home and destination
    • All personal expenses including hotel room service and meals; however, you have the option to pay for meals that tour guide arranges
    • Optional tours (Items and prices may vary due to different seasons and are subject to the final confirmation made by tour guide when on tour.)
    • Tipping is an expected - though not compulsory - component of your tour program and an expression of satisfaction with the persons who have assisted you on your tour. Although it may not be customary to you, it is of considerable significance to the people who will take care of you during your travels. At the end of each trip if you felt your CEO or and crew did an outstanding job, tipping is appreciated. There will be two envelopes left in your cabin on the final night of your tour, one for the CEO and one for crew members. The amount is entirely a personal preference, however as a guideline a per traveller tip of USD 100-150 per week per guest for your CEO and USD 100-150 per week per guest for the crew can be used.

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation made within:

  • 0 - 31 Days Prior to Departure Date - Non-refundable
  • 32 - 61 Days Prior to Departure Date - 50% of total purchase amount can be refunded
  • 62 or More Days - 90% of total purchase amount can be refunded
Please Note:
• We are not responsible for any incidental expenses or consequential losses that the Client may have incurred as a result of the booking such as visas, vaccinations, non-refundable flights or rail, non refundable car parking or other fees, loss of earnings, or loss of enjoyment, etc. If the Client is offered a refund but requests an alternative tour of a higher value than that originally booked, then the Client must pay the difference in price.

Special Notes

    • Be prepared before you leave for your trip
      Please carefully read all of the info below as it's designed to help you have a smooth travel experience.
      * One of our core values is to lead with service. Our Global Connection Officers (or GCOs, the people who answer when you call us) and travel agent partners will do their very best to provide you with the latest information before your trip. There are, however, certain things that are the responsibility of the traveller.
      * All the travellers are responsible for arranging and obtaining the required entry documentation for the countries they intend to visit.
      * In an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19, entry requirements and restrictions dictated by foreign governments can change frequently and irrespective of your intended date of travel. These requirements and restrictions may depend on different factors such as your country of residence, passport nationality, destination and transit points, as well as previous travel history. Given these considerations, it is the traveller’s responsibility to research and to understand the latest travel and health requirements and restrictions by destination which are most relevant to them at the time of travel and to the destination(s) they are planning to visit, as well as to keep themselves up to date.
      * Important considerations:
      - Don't forget to consider the latest travel and health requirements and restrictions by destination, for both directions of travel - not just for the start country of your tour.
      - Don't book your international flights before you do your own research, or before you talk to one of our GCOs or your travel agent, as you may be required to book post-nights before your return flight in order to accommodate COVID-19 testing.
      - If you visit multiple countries as part of your itinerary or on the way to your destination, there may be additional entry requirements. Keep this in consideration when verifying your documentation.
      - If you are travelling with minors (under the age of 18), additional documentation may be required to enter the country visited. Please contact the Embassy for more information.
    • Dossier Disclaimer
      * The information in this trip details document has been compiled with care and is provided in good faith. However it is subject to change, and does not form part of the contract between the client and the operator. The itinerary featured is correct at time of printing. It may differ slightly to the one in the brochure. Occasionally our itineraries change as we make improvements that stem from past travellers, comments and our own research. Sometimes it can be a small change like adding an extra meal along the itinerary. Sometimes the change may result in us altering the tour for the coming year. Ultimately, our goal is to provide you with the most rewarding experience. Please note that our brochure is usually released in November each year. If you have booked from the previous brochure you may find there have been some changes to the itinerary.
      * VERY IMPORTANT: Please ensure that you print a final copy of your Trip Details to review a couple of days prior to travel, in case there have been changes that affect your plans.
    • Important Notes
      * The local operator requires your passport number, full name and date of birth at the time of booking. Please make sure you give this information to your travel agent.
      * Once you have confirmed your booking please give us your international flight details and advise us if you have any important issues such as allergies, special diets, etc.
      * The Ecuadorian government currently levies a Galapagos Islands Park entry fee of $100 USD per person. This is payable at the airport upon arrival in the park. It is not included in the cost of the tour, and must be paid in CASH. This fee funds Park maintenance and supervision in Galapagos, as well as ecological study, conservation and infrastructure development in Ecuador's other National Parks. Entry fees and the funds they generate for the National Park System are among measures taken by the Ecuadorian government to protect its natural heritage.
      * The Consejo de Gobierno (local government council) have implemented a system of Transit Control Cards at a fee of $20 USD per person. This card is to be purchased in CASH at a counter in the Quito airport before boarding the flight to the Galapagos. Please retain this card along with your passport as you will be required to present this upon arrival to the Galapagos Islands. Please note that this applies to all tourists entering the Galapagos Islands and is a supplement to the existing entry fee to the National Park and is not controlled by tour operators or travel agencies. It is the first of a number of initiatives to track, control and maintain the sustainable tourism targets set out by the Galapagos National Park and the Ecuadorian government in an attempt to preserve the fragile environment of the archipelago.
      * Please note that the rooming on our Galapagos yachts is done on a first-come, first-serve basis, and we are not able to guarantee the specific cabin you will receive on board. The cabins are comfortable and clean, all with private bathrooms. Due to the specific location of the cabins on board, the window sizes vary as well as the noise at times when the boat is navigating, given the proximity of the cabin to the engine room. Our friendly and competent crew will ensure the smooth and comfortable journey for the duration of your tour.
      * All travellers are required to pay the tax on domestic flights in Ecuador. Foreign travellers are exempt form this, and proving you are indeed a foreign traveller can be done by providing us with your international ticket number (ITN). Travellers who do not submit international ticket numbers at least 30 days prior to Day 1 of their tour will be required to pay the domestic tax on all included flights.
      * COMBO TRIP
      - Please note that this tour combines with other tours. As such, the staff and some travel companions on your tour may have previously been traveling together with us, prior to Day 1 of your tour. Likewise, some staff and travel companions may be continuing together on another tour, after your trip concludes.
    • Group Leader Description
      * Your group trip is met in Quito by a local operator representative. The aim of the representative is to give you the
      required information for the rest of your journey and to assist with changing money, restaurant and excursion suggestions and general information about the city. We also use local guides where we think more specific knowledge will add to the enjoyment of the places we are visiting- we think it's the best of both worlds. For your shipboard voyage we have a highly experienced shipboard staff and crew, including a Galapagos CEO who is a local naturalist guide certified by the Galapagos National Park.
    • Meals
      * Eating is a big part of traveling. Travelling with the local operator you experience the vast array of wonderful food that is available out in the world. On our Galapagos yachts, food is included, plentiful and made of fresh local ingredients. Dining is casual, tables are unassigned and the dining room is capable of seating the entire passenger compliment at one time. There is always a selection of different meals available, and vegetarians will find plenty of options. Special dietary requirements can be accommodated with advance notice, please advise us at time of confirmation. Coffee, tea and water are all provided free of charge. All other beverages, alcoholic and non-alcoholic are not included and can be purchased at the bar.
    • About Accommodation
      * For further details of the vessel layout like deck plans, cabin specifications and additional photos, please see the following link to our Galapagos cruising landing page: https://www.gadventures.com/travel-styles/cruising/galapagos.
    • What to Take
      * You are permitted to bring a baggage maximum of 50 pounds/23 kg. This size limit ensures your bag will be able to be stored safely but we highly recommend packing light. Additionally, bring with you items that need to be carefully transported, like your (laptop, cellphones, tablets and medicines) If you don't wish to take all of your luggage with you to Galapagos, please ensure you have an extra bag you can leave behind at hotel storage and pickup on your return.
      * Please note that Galapagos is a protected National Park so your luggage will be checked before arrival and departure to and from the islands. Don’t bring any food, seeds or other organic material that could affect the delicate ecosystem of the islands.
      * Please do not bring any alcoholic beverages aboard, as your boat has a bar offering a variety of alcoholic drinks and prices are reasonable.
      * LUGGAGE ALLOWANCE ON THE BOAT: We recommend travellers to bring a maximum of 50 pounds/23 kg for their luggage. We will accept luggage types onboard, however if you are a single traveller sharing with another traveller, it is especially important to keep in mind that you will share the storage space in cabins. It is best to pack light. Luggage storage facilities are available at the start hotel for anything you do not need while you are exploring the Galapagos. A good size daypack is also essential.
      * Please note that the electric outlets on this boat are 110v and will have 2 flat prongs. If necessary, please bring an adaptor with you for your electric devices, ie, battery chargers.
    • Laundry
      * Laundry facilities are available at the start and end hotel at a charge. Full laundry facilities are not available onboard our yachts in the Galapagos. If you do want to do your own laundry we we suggest you bring non-polluting/biodegradable soap.
  • The time we mentioned in the itinerary is for reference only. Please refer to your guide on tour for the actual arrangement. The visiting order and duration might be changed according to actual and practical situation for better service.
  • This tour/activity is overseen by a select local operator in the region. Upon booking your tour or activity and after receiving confirmation, you will be issued an e-ticket detailing the local operator's name and contact information. If you require assistance finding a specific tour, please contact us for more information.

Pricing Info

Your reservation is always subject to confirmation by email, normally within one to two business days.

* Price for Double applies when two people stay in one standard hotel room respectively.
* Children under 12 years of age are not permitted on this tour.
* All travellers under age 18 must be accompanied by an adult.
* Child shares the same price as adult.
* Maximum room capacity: 2 people.
* The price is based on Main Deck Double. If you want to book Upper Deck Balcony Double/Twin , Upper Deck Balcony Single or Main Deck Balcony Double/Twin, please contact us for quotation.

Reservation Info

    1.Immediately after submitting your reservation you will receive a Receipt of Reservation via email.
    2. Within one to two business days of submitting your reservation you will receive a status update email from us. If you need to book an airline ticket, we recommend that you do so after you receive a confirmation of your tour reservation from us.
    3. An E-Ticket will be sent to you via email as soon as details of your reservation are confirmed or your supporting information is received by us. We will provide you with all detailed information about your tour on the E-Ticket. Contact information for local tour provider will be included on E-Ticket for your convenience or re-confirmation purpose if re-confirmation is required.
    4. Simply print your E-Ticket and present it with your valid photo ID on the day of your activity to your tour guide. Please remember E-Ticket is your proof of purchase.

Terms and Conditions

    - Your purchase does not guarantee confirmation. Your purchase will initiate a reservation process. We will confirm with you via email within one to two business days.
    - Prices may vary due to availability. We reserve the right to make price adjustment without prior notice.
    - Please refer to our Standard Amendment, Cancellation and Refund Policy before you make reservation.
    - Please refer to Customer Agreement before you make reservation.
    - Local tour provider reserves the right to make modifications to tour arrangements including order of tour activities, hotel and its location if deemed necessary.


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    Conditional Cancellation
    This tour qualifies for: Free Cancellation 25 or more Days Prior to Departure
    • 16-24 Days Prior to Departure Date - 75% of total purchase amount can be refunded
    • 7-15 Days Prior to Departure Date - 50% of total purchase amount can be refunded
    • 6 Days Prior to Departure Date - Non-refundable
    All cancellations must be made directly with Tours4Fun, not with tour providers. The day mentioned above is based on the date we receive your signed Cancellation Request Form and travel service start date (departure date).
    • 0 - 31 Days Prior to Departure Date - Non-refundable
    • 32 - 61 Days Prior to Departure Date - 50% of total purchase amount can be refunded
    • 62 or More Days - 90% of total purchase amount can be refunded
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